Jointly organized by Udhayabanu kala sanga & Society for Space Education, Research and Development
- SCIENCE–CON: Science Costume Competition – Students are supposed to dress up as any person in the Science & Space domain or dress up like which explains any Science Law/process etc. Each student will get 150 seconds to speak on why they dressed up like that or the importance of that person or the law. It is compulsory to end with a message to all the audience. They can Speak either in English or in Kannada. 1st and 2nd in each category. Register below. Payment will be taken offline on Spot on the event day.
Category 1 – Students from class 1 to 4
Category 2 – Students from class 5 to 7
Category 3 – Students from class 8 to 10
Judges will give the points on the following criteria:
– The Costume
– The talk
– The Message
Registration Fee:
Rs.50/- per student
- PAINT SCIENCE: Painting Competition – Students can use any kind of painting/ coloring to portray the topic given. The A3 size Cardboard sheet will be given for the students and the required materials need to be bought by students themselves. Various topics will be provided and students can pick any 1 topic and will get 90 minutes of the time to complete.
Category 1 – Students from class 1 to 4
– Science in day-to-day life
– Space
Category 2 – Students from class 5 to 7
– Extraterrestrial Life
– technology and climate
– Symmetry in nature
Category 3 – Students from class 8 to 10
– Future of Latest Technologies
– Life on exoplanets
– biodiversity in Ice/snow
– Science and music
1st Prize and 2nd Prize will be given to all the categories.
Registration Fee: Rs.50/- per student
- SCIENCE QUIZ – Quiz will be on several levels. Students passing each level will go to next levels. Each level quiz will be asked in different forms. The questions will be based on Science.
Following are the Levels.
We will invite teams of students from schools, a minimum of 2 members and a maximum of 3 members in the team. Each school can send as many teams as they wish to. Could be either for class 5-7 or 8-10. Both might not be doable given there are other events.
Level 1 – Written quiz to all registered participants. We shall select top 8 teams for next level.
Level 2 – oral quiz with A/Vs included 3 different rounds.
Registration Fee: Rs.100/- per team.