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Society for Space Education, Research and Development (SSERD) is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to foster the love for SPACE studies in the minds of us young curious ones out there.
There is an enchanting beauty in not knowing something. It creates this urge to know more and more about it. There’s beauty in strolling through the unknown realms of the universe and the beauty increases when one uncovers the meaning and nature and scope of it. The key to open all the doors of mystery: SCIENCE!! It is an ever-increasing realm and the study of ‘SPACE’ occupies a major “space” in SCIENCE.
The organization works full-fledged to achieve greater heights and to reach out to the maximum number of people with a genuine interest in this realm of studies.
It organizes events and workshops all around the country to elevate the interest in space studies. It nurtures the inquisitive minds and employs passion and commitment as opposed to machines and paid work. The various programmes by the ever-growing NGO include, Astro Space Camp, Aerospace Workshops, Sky Gazing, Astronomy sessions, the Field trip to Space sectors also SSERD has its Research Wing, where a lot of students have taken Internship and Projects. Yes and we are the 4th Batch among that.
The best part about this event was not the number of students, it was the pure flow of rocket science that happened between SSERD & students. There was no competition among students but just pure curiosity to learn Astronomy.
We learned the algorithms that can be collected from the telescopes and merge these data sets to study the galaxies. We focussed more on the KD tree algorithm and did the cross-matching between the optical and radio catalogues to find the classification of elliptical galaxies. We got an opportunity to learn things more practically and to work together as a team. We divided our Data Crew into Research and Programming Crew. And it was all made possible by the SSERD team. We have become more optimistic about Data Driven Astronomy now.
The vision and mission of SSERD is to create a space for all the Space lovers out there. Interests are to be nurtured and that’s what is done at SSERD.
Experience with SSERD:-

Biswajit Jana
BetelgeuseWhen I got an opportunity to be an intern in SSERD I was overwhelmed. As an ECE student, I didn’t have much experience in this field. I worked with 13 incredible people in my team and I was a team leader here. It was an amazing experience working with all of them. Saturday fun sessions, everyday meetings, learning new things from the crew, guiding them in the project, learning about the research and programming, working on datasets all of these were wonderful experiences. Every day was a new experience for me. All the team members were very supportive and friendly. I’m very thankful to the SSERD for providing me such an opportunity to gain more knowledge and for providing such a great team

M Sri Sesha Sai Manoj
Milky Way GalaxySSERD gave me a nice platform where I was able to collaborate with different students from different backgrounds coming together and completing a project. I learned how to work in a team and how to coordinate among the team members and because of this internship I was able to get some idea of how I need to work with groups in the future. I even learned how to tackle different situations in a smooth way. So thank you SSERD for offering me such a great opportunity to grow for my professional career.

Shruthi G Panicker
SaturnI had a wonderful learning experience by interning with SSERD. I’m so happy that got to work with an amazing team. I never thought people from different places and also from different subject backgrounds could connect this much. I had a fun-filled learning experience in cracking jokes and laughing out together while working with my crew. I’m glad that our team was able to work together on each challenge we had in between and to come up with our desired results. I believe I was able to help my team in my best possible way. Thank you SSERD for this huge opportunity.

Neha P
NeptuneResearch internships are hard to find nowadays and that too in the field of Astronomy. SSERD provides a great opportunity to UG and PG students and this platform is very good for learning something new. Before joining this internship I was a complete novice, but now I’ve learned a lot and also made new friends. My team was amazing and fun to work with. There used to be fun sessions every week which we all enjoyed to the maximum. Weekly sessions conducted by SSERD were very useful and informative. These six weeks were entertaining, innovative, and incredible.

Yashwini Thakur
YlemGained a new experience and had amazing teamwork with my fellow mates. Made new friends and created lots of memories and had a lot of fun. If I start writing down things that I learned from this internship, the list will be so long. Teamwork, discipline, time management, Indian space start-ups, facts about FFP (falsification fabrication plagiarism), interesting science facts, finding data sets, and what not! Had an amazing opportunity to learn these things and exploring deep into the space world.

Sudeep Gopavaram
SupernovaMy first online experience with my very first internship was very unique. something which is going to be in my good memories always the night’s we spent working and chatting having fun sessions with group members, this internship helped me to develop some confidence to speak in front of groups and taught me how to work and deal with different kinds of people, and it feels like complete when you met people who are somewhat like you, who encourage you to work I feel lucky that I got met people like such during this internship. A 40 days unique and valuable experience, 40 days seems to be a big number but trust, once we all get to know and start working it will be like those 40 days flew away like in a minute.

Suman Dey
SagittariusEvery completed project has two parts, the work itself and displaying it to others! It gives me immense pleasure to have presented our work in SSERD Internship program. I’ve always dreamed of working in Astrophysics. Working with team Cosmic Data Crew in SSERD has taught me a lot of things. This internship was more than I could have ever hoped for.

Joshua D’ Slivia
JupiterIt was truly a wonderful experience working in SSERD with very talented people. I learnt various things right from how to use the provided resources to how to find the right information and how to do the right research.

Sreevishnu T
SunSSERD gave me an amazing experience and a wonderful platform to learn about new things and work with a diverse group of like-minded people. I was able to learn the basic etiquette of working as a team and the importance of deadlines and responsibilities. The Internship helped me understand a lot about space industry and how to start a career in astronomy. The best part of the 6-week internship was making new friends and working with an awesome team filled with passionate and creative minds.

VenusSSERD was one long ride of work overnight sessions for me it was overall a nice experience that helped me apply my skills which I learnt in theory and at the same time I learnt many new things for my journey further ahead I realised that many people from diverse backgrounds can share the same passion albeit focussing on a different context of it. In the project, I was given a programming role as it best suited my abilities and skills here I learned from many and also taught and helped a few my team was very understanding and cooperative especially my Team leader and Crew leader which understood my situation and took the right calls so that pressure was optimal on me adding that to my team working skills. I bid farewell to this internship and one of kind real-world experience as I accumulate those things into my arsenal and do something even bigger in the future.

Manya Patel
MarsIt was great. We got an opportunity to work with people from different states and learned how the research is done and how things work in astronomy. We enjoyed doing work with the team and SSERD. It’s a great place for learning and having fun sessions too.

MoonIt was a great experience working as a team in an area of your favourite subject. I am so happy to make new friends and do research during this lockdown. We also got the access to how to write a research paper. This exposure towards the research field was so beneficial.
– Written by Team Cosmic Data Crew
For more information on the team visit the website of Team Cosmic Data Crew, Team Exouls is a part of SSERD’s Internship and Projects Divison’s Online Research Internships